Print workgroup for NAS:
- synowin -getWorkgroup
Join a new workgroup for NAS:
- synowin -joinWorkgroup <group>
Print general info:
- synoservice --status
Setup mail via cli:
- synosyslogmail
Check upgrades:
- synoupgrade --check 3
Dump data about your nas:
- syno_system_dump
Print network info incl. current duplex:
- synonet --show
Print current hostname:
- synonet --get_hostname
Set a new hostname:
- synonet --set_hostname
Set a new gateway:
- synonet --set_gateway gateway
WOL Wakeup:
- synonet --wake xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx <interface>
Print the partition layout table.
- synopartition --list
Print info about a share:
- synoshare --get <sharefolder>
Mount an shared encrypted folder:
- synoshare --enc_mount <sharefolder> <password>
Unmount an encrypted folder:
- synoshare --enc_unmount <sharefolder>
Allowed to delete:
- synoshare --del {TRUE|FALSE} sharename1 sharename2 ...
Set an description for a shared folder (viewed in comments in file browser)
- synoshare --setdesc sharename desc
Allow browsing of shared folder
- synoshare --setbrowse sharename browse_flag{0|1}
Rename a shared folder:
- synoshare --rename old_sharename new_sharename
Set users that is allowed to browse shared folder:
- synoshare --setuser sharename user_auth{NA|RO|RW} operator{+|-|=} user_name_list_with_comma
Print main data about a user
- sh-4.3# synouser --get wuseman
- User Name : [wuseman]
- User Type : [AUTH_LOCAL]
- User uid : [1026]
- Primary gid : [100]
- Fullname : []
- User Dir : [/var/services/homes/wuseman]
- User Shell : [/bin/sh]
- Expired : [false]
- User Mail : []
- Alloc Size : [82]
- Member Of : [2]
- (100) users
- (101) administrators
Set a new password/Change password:
- synouser --setpw oldpassword newpassword
Rename a user:
- synouser --rename old_username new_username
Add a username with full info:
- synouser --add [username pwd "full name" expired{0|1} mail privilege]
Send an email about storage:
- synostorage --mail
Lock managment
- synostorage --lock
Tuning functionality:
Get current tuning profile:
- synotune --get
- Outut: Current Profile: performance_throughput
Set a new functionality, options:
- synotune --set performance_throughput OR performance_latency
Dump info about your synology nas:
- syno_system_dump
Set your nas to handle upgrades auto:
- synoupgrade --auto
Check your current upgrade settings:
- synoupgrade --check
Download latest upgrade if there is a new one:
- synoupgrade --download
Start upgrade:
- synoupgrade --start
Check the partition layout table:
- synopartition --check /dev/sd<X>
View synology NFS Monitor:
- synonfstop
Reset your Synology NAS (Settings Only)
- /usr/syno/sbin/./synodsdefault --reset
Reset your Synology Nas to Factory Default (OBS OBS OBS ALL DATA WILL BE WIPED)
- /usr/syno/sbin/./synodsdefault --factory-default
Reinstall your Synology Nas Station, all data will be kept:
- /usr/syno/sbin/./synodsdefault --reinstall; reboot
The proper way to restart SSHD of your NAS via cli:
- synoservicectl --restart sshd
List, uninstall or install a .spk package file (available locally)
- synopkg
Install a set a networking and ELF binary debugging tools (and drop into a root session)
- synogear
Write and read an .ini style file with lines of key=value pairs
- synosetkeyvalue
- synogetkeyvalue
Shut down and power off the NAS (much like shutdown -h now)
- synopoweroff
Show installed packages
- synopkg list | sed 's/: .*$//'
Uninstall a package
- sudo synopkg uninstall
Synology Shutdown and Poweroff Too
- syno_poweroff_task
Set/establish password to local user
- synoauth local_username password
Manage IP autoblock feature
- synoautoblock OPTIONS
Manage blog feature
- synoblog_backup [-r|-b] p [-u username] [-o]
Synology disk control device: something like /dev/hda or /dev/sda
- syno_disk_ctl OPTIONS DEVICE
Synology clear .tbd-File Tool
Different ways to print various info about your NAS
- more /etc.defaults/VERSION
- cat /etc/synoinfo.conf
- cat /proc/cmdline
- synoshare --enum ALL
- synonet --show
- synodisk --enum
- synospace --enum -a
Restart index
- synoservicectl --restart synoindexd
Check for upgrades
- sudo synoupgrade --check
Restart webserver
- /usr/syno/sbin/synoservicecfg --restart httpd-user
- /usr/syno/sbin/synoservicectl --restart pkgctl-WebStation
Generate a list for what you can control
- /usr/syno/sbin/synoservice --list
DSM API - Provide DSM information
- syno dsm getInfo --pretty
File Station API - Provide File Station information
- syno fs getInfo --pretty
File Station API - Enumerate files in a given folder
- syno fs listFiles --payload '{"folder_path":"/path/to/folder"}' --pretty
Download Station API - List download tasks
- syno dl listFiles --payload '{"limit":5, "offset":10}' --pretty
Download Station API - Create a download task
- syno dl createTask --payload '{"uri":"https://link"}'
Audio Station API - Search a song
- syno as searchSong --payload '{"title":"my_title_song"}' --pretty
Video Station API - List movies
- syno vs listMovies --payload '{"limit":5}' --pretty
Video Station DTV API - List channels
- syno dtv listChannels --payload '{"limit":1}' --pretty
Surveillance Station API - Get camera information
- syno ss getInfoCamera --payload '{"cameraIds":8}' --pretty
Restart, enable, stop samba
- /usr/syno/etc/rc.sysv/S80samba.sh --help
Get synology date
- synodate --getSysDate
Printer stuff
- synoprint
Update index older
- indexfolder --type={SHARE_CREATE|SHARE_REMOVE} --share=<SHARED_FOLDER> --share_path=<SHARED_FOLDER>
Start mediaserver
- /usr/syno/bin/mediaserver.sh start
- servicetool --get-service-volume download
Get 2FA key if lost
- ssh root@nas cat /usr/syno/etc/preference/wuseman/google_authenticator
List disk info on a very fancy way
- dhm_tool -s
Synology Autoblock
Add a IP to autoblock db:
- synoautoblock --deny <ip-address>
Reset a IP that has been added by mistake:
- synoautoblock --reset <ip-address>
Add any IP to whitelist:
- synoautoblock --in-white-list <ip-address>
Debugging & System Health:
Debug fans and email the result (if email has been set)
- syno_fan_debug
Run a health check of your system and email the the result once done:
- syno_disk_health_record
Check ~remain lifetime:
- syno_disk_remain_life_check
Run smartmontools and send email once done:
- syno_disk_smart_mail_send
Debug hibernation:
- syno_hibernation_debug
LED (Get min and max value in: /usr/syno/etc.defaults/led_brightness.xml)
Get current setup:
- syno_led_brightness --get (Default on DS416: 1985157252)
Set a new setting:
- syno_led_brightness --set <brightness>
Print a user bandwidth usage:
- synobandwidth --status [<list=user|group|all(default)> <transfer=upload|download|all(default)>] <merge=0|1(default)>]
Set a new bandwidth limit for a user:
- synobandwidth --set-global-conf <state=enabled|disabled> [<protocol=filestation|webdav|ftp|rsync|all(default)>
Print status user by user for all services:
- sh-4.3# synobandwidth --preview wuseman
- Protocol Upload Download
- filestation 0.00 0.00
- webdav 0.00 0.00
- ftp 0.00 0.00
- rsync 0.00 0.00
Synology iSCSI Perfomance Analyzer
- synoiscsitop40
Set fan config (loudest will sound like an airplane)
- synofanconfig -parseXML 1000000
More synology commands listed:
- sync
- synologconvert
- syno-dbus-check.sh
- synologrotated
- syno-letsencrypt
- synologset
- syno-move-coredump
- synologset1
- syno8021Xtool
- synolunbackup
- synoRTCTime
- synolunbkp
- syno_adv_test
- synoluntransform
- syno_dc_ctrl_adapter.sh
- synomediaparserd
- syno_disk_config_check
- synomkflv
- syno_disk_ctl
- synomkflvd
- syno_disk_data_collector
- synomkthumb
- syno_disk_db_update
- synomkthumbd
- syno_disk_dsl
- synomoduletool
- syno_disk_health_record
- synomount
- syno_disk_information_daily_record
- synomustache
- syno_disk_log_convert
- synomyds
- syno_disk_log_import_from_xml
- synonclient_send
- syno_disk_remain_life_check
- synonet
- syno_disk_smart_mail_send
- synonetd
- syno_disk_test_log_import_from_xml
- synonetdtool
- syno_disk_test_scheduler_set
- synonetseqadj
- syno_disk_testlog_convert
- synonfstop
- syno_disk_wcache_config_init
- synonotify
- syno_dvb_admin.sh
- synootp
- syno_fan_debug
- synoovstool
- syno_hdd_util
- synopartition
- syno_hibernation_debug
- synopasswordmail
- syno_hw_video_transcoding.sh
- synopayment
- syno_iptables_common
- synoperfeventd
- syno_led_brightness
- synoperformancediagnose
- syno_mem_check
- synopftest
- syno_pkgicon_sprite.py
- synophoto_acl
- syno_poweroff_task
- synophoto_acl_pgsql
- syno_scemd_connector
- synophoto_autoblock
- syno_smart_result_collect
- synophoto_backup
- syno_smart_test
- synophoto_config
- syno_ssd_trim
- synophoto_config_root
- syno_system_dump
- synophoto_dsm_user
- synoabnormalloginmail
- synophoto_external_access
- synoacltool
- synophoto_extract_preview
- synoagentregisterd
- synophoto_music
- synoappbkp
- synophoto_sdk_share_set
- synoappnotify
- synophoto_sns_utils
- synoapppriv_updater
- synophoto_update_db
- synoarchivetool
- synophoto_watermark_util
- synoauth
- synophotoio
- synoautoblock
- synopingpong
- synobackup
- synopkg
- synobackupd
- synopkgctl
- synobandwidth
- synopkghelper
- synoblog_backup
- synoplatform
- synobootseq
- synoportforward
- synobootupcheck
- synopoweroff
- synobtrfssnap
- synopreferencedir
- synocacheclient
- synoprint
- synocachepinfiletool
- synopsql
- synocachepinfiletool-status
- synoquota
- synocachepinfiletoolha
- synoraidtool
- synocerttool
- synorecycle
- synocfgen
- synorelayd
- synocgid
- synoretainer
- synocgitool
- synoretention-lun
- synocheckhotspare
- synoretentionconf
- synocheckiscsitrg
- synoretentiontest
- synochecknetworkcfg
- synoretentiontestutil.sh
- synocheckshare
- synorouterportfwd
- synocheckswapconfig
- synoroutertool
- synocloudserviceauth
- synorsyncdtool
- synocmsclient
- synosavetime
- synocodectool
- synoscgi
- synoconfbkp
- synoscgi
- synoconfd
- synoschedtask
- synocontentextract
- synoschedtool
- synocontentextractd
- synoscimprofile
- synocopy
- synosdutils
- synocredential
- synosearch
- synocrond
- synosearchagent
- synocrtregister
- synoselfcheck
- synocrtunregister
- synoservice
- synodatacollect
- synoservicecfg
- synodataverifier
- synoservicectl
- synodate
- synoservicemigrate
- synodctest
- synosetkeyvalue
- synodd
- synoshare
- synoddnsinfo
- synosharequota
- synoddsmtool
- synosharesnapshot
- synodisk
- synosharesnaptool
- synodiskdatacollect
- synosharesnaptree
- synodiskfind
- synosharingbackup
- synodiskpathparse
- synosharingchecker
- synodiskport
- synosharingcron
- synodriveencode
- synosharingurl
- synodrivehook
- synosmartblock
- synodriveindex
- synosnapschedtask.sh
- synodriveobject
- synosnmpcd
- synodrivesettings
- synospace
- synodriveversion
- synospace.sh
- synodrivevolume
- synosshdutils
- synodsdefault
- synostgpool
- synodsinfo
- synostgsysraid
- synodsmnotify
- synostgvolume
- synoeaupgrade
- synostorage
- synoethinfo
- synostoragecore
- synoexternal
- synostoraged
- synofanconfig
- synosupportchannelchecker
- synofileutil
- synosyncdctime
- synofirewall
- synosyslogmail
- synofirewallUpdater
- synotc
- synoflashcache
- synotc_common
- synoflvconv
- synothumb
- synofstool
- synotifyd
- synogear
- synotifydutil
- synogetkeyvalue
- synotimecontrol
- synogpoclientd
- synotlstool
- synogrinst
- synotune
- synogroup
- synotunnelexec
- synoguest
- synoupgrade
- synohacore
- synoupnp
- synoindex
- synoups
- synoindex_mgr
- synoupscommon
- synoindex_package.sh
- synousbcam
- synoindexd
- synousbcopy
- synoindexplugind
- synousbdisk
- synoindexscand
- synousbmodemd
- synoindexworkerd
- synouser
- synoiscsiep
- synouserdir
- synoiscsihook
- synouserhome
- synoiscsitool
- synovolumesnapshot
- synoiscsitop
- synovpnc
- synoiscsitop40
- synovspace
- synoiscsiunmap
- synovspace_wrapper
- synoiscsiwebapi
- synow3
- synoisns
- synow3tool
- synokerneltz
- synowebapi
- synolanstatus
- synowifid
- synoldapclient
- synowin
- synoldapclientd
- synowireless
- synologaccd
- synowsdiscoveryd
- synologand
- synowstransferd
- synologanutil
- synozram
- synologconfgen